The contract is for one year (without interruptions), with automatic renewal, in case of withdrawing from the plan you must be informed via email 60 days before the end of the contract.
To start the service, you must cancel in advance the UF contracted, invoiced and delivered together with the user key, to start the service.
Learn more: / +56 9 3393 8313
✓ Corporate Information Summary
✓ Tax Summary
✓ Company Size
✓ Special Tax Regime
✓ Risk Indicator Score
✓ Total Defaults
✓ Authorized Documents
✓ Financial Activities
✓ Adress Directory – Headquarters
✓ Adress Directory – Branches
✓ Partnership and Partners
✓ Social Security Penalties
✓ Labor Penalties
✓ Protest
✓ Curent Defaults
✓ Bulletin Arrears
✓ Maat Bulletin
✓ Real Estate Broker Notes
✓ Consolidared Summary
✓ Bankruptcy
✓ Stop Payment Request
✓ Vehicles
✓ Real Estate
✓ Exports
✓ Imports
✓ Pledges
✓ Information Requested From
✓ List of Affected Workers
✓ Number of Workers
✓ Registry of State Suppliers
✓ Personal Information Summary
✓ Risk Indicator Score
✓Total Defaults
✓ Adress Directory
✓ Social Security Penalties
✓ Labor Penalties
✓ Detail of Contributions Not Paid by Employers
✓ Protest
✓ Curent Defaults
✓ Bulletin Arrears
✓ Maat Bulletin
✓ Real Estate Broker Notes
✓ Business Summary
✓ Bankruptcy
✓ Stop Payment Request
✓ Vehicles
✓ Real Estate
✓ Exports
✓ Imports
✓ Pledges
✓ Partnership and Partners
✓ Extract
✓ Information Requested From
✓ List of Affected Workers